With a Bachelor degree in Performing Arts from the Santa Catarina State University (1990), Célida Salume Mendonça holds an MA in Literature from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2004) and a PhD in Performing Arts from Federal University of Bahia (2009). She is an assistant professor at the School of Theater and the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at UFBA. She coordinates the PIBID Theater Project of the PIBID/UFBA Program and the CELULA Group –Centro Lúdico Laboratorial de Processos Criativos (Ludic Lab Center of Creative Processes)–, a Teaching, Research and Extension Group of PIBIC/UFBA Program. She has experience in Arts, especially in Theater Teaching, and the following subjects: theater pedagogy, theater in education, teacher training, dramaturgy, creation processes, staging and research.